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Paolo Baldessari

Baldessari e Baldessari studio, founded by Giulio, Paolo and Michela Baldessari, is a professional association active in the fields of architecture, industrial, visual and interior design. It has several internal working groups and collaborates with a large network of outside consultants. It curates exhibitions in Italy and abroad. It develops research activities and it is engaged in contests and expositions. It has public and private designs underway in the residential housing, office building and industrial facilities, it is working on the restauration of historic and antique palaces and on projects of interior design in addiction to collaboration with design companies. It received awards and mentions in the 1984 competition “Una sedia italiana per gli USA” in 1991 “Premio Alcan per l’uso dell’alluminio nell’ambiente costruito” and in the international contest Trau for the design of a workstation. In 2007 it won the first prize in “Concorso di nuove sperimentazioni di arredo esterno” Sun Rimini 2007. Award Pida 2013 – section concept hotel. In 2015 it won the first prize in “OneMorePack” - creative packaging design.

Roberto Benfenati

Luca Cendali

Paolo Cesaretti

Paolo Cesaretti is an architect exploring the concept of designed space as device for delivering information and experience. His Milan-based practice works across the fields of architecture, design and communication. Its aim is to reveal unexpected narrative features of spaces on different scales and applications. From in-store identity for mass retailing brand Ipercoop to Growing By Numbers (Milano) and The Irrational City (Venice), both part of an ongoing series of urban-scale light installations that draw attention to the transient or permanent features characterizing the identity of a city. The practice has been taking part in several exhibitions – 13th Biennale d’Architettura in Venice is the last one - and being included in four editions of ADI Design Index – the best of Italian design yearbook. Paolo Cesaretti is lecturer at Domus Academy and SPD Scuola Politecnica di Design and visiting professor at Politecnico di Milano, IULM Milano, RWU Rhode Island, TU Tehran University.

Alessandro Colombo

Alessandro Colombo, after classical and musical studies, graduated from Politecnico di Milano with Marco Zanuso. In 1989 he began his collaboration with Pierluigi Cerri. In 1991 he won witn Paola Garbuglio the Major of Osaka City Prize, awarded by the Japan Design Foundation with the project: "Earth: Instructions for Use", showed by the major design centers in the world. In 1995 he became associate of Gregotti Associates International. With Bruno Morassutti he participates in international competitions of architecture. He designed, with Pierluigi Cerri and Risco, the public spaces and temporary structures of Expo '98 in Lisbon. In 1999 he was lecturer at the Stockholm Nobel Foundation. Since 1998 he is art director and designer for Unifor, DADA and Molteni&C. Among the awards Compasso d'Oro in 2004, Premio Nazionale Ance In/arch for his project for Fondazione Arnaldo Pomodoro in Milan. He is lecturer at the Design school and at the IDEA Master in Exhibition Design of Politecnico di Milano. He is board member of IDEA, Italian Association Exhibition Designers and correspondent for il Giornale dell’architettura. He is curator and designer of exhibitions at the Italian pavilion at the post Expo 2010 in Shanghai. On behalf of Politecnico di Milano he was responsible of the project of the Coffee Cluster at Expo 2015 in Milan.


Maurizio Di Puolo

Luisella Italia

Born in Turin the 15 September 1955, after arts education she graduates in Architecture at Politecnico di Torino. She has always accompanied freelance works, carried on with particular reference to the field of exhibition design, with work-group coordination activities, project organization, and with project management from the initial concept to the realization. In the last years, she particularly focused on the design, construction management and general coordination of Luxottica Group events and on the custom-made interior design of the new Luxottica Group headquarters in Milan. She is a freelance architect from 1988. She collaborated with the atelier Architettura dell’Immagine; in 1988 she founds in Turin, together with architect Massimo Venegoni, the atelier Dedalo – Architettura e Immagine, whose core business is the design of museums and temporary exhibitions.

Angelo Jelmini

Angelo Jelmini, art director and designer born in Golasecca (VA) 13th July, 1960. In 1984 he began working as a designer for fashion shows in Milan. In 1995 he founded AAAHHHAAA ( Urbani & Vigili ), design office / think-tank. He is member of IDEA, the Italian Association of Exhibition Designers.

Paolo Maldotti

He was born in Crema in 1963. He graduated in Architecture at the Polytechnic of Turin. In 1997 he started to design fitting for Turin city (International fairs of book, music and cultural property). In 2001 he founded ARCHILANDstudio, a design company in Turin, and designs all over the world. He designed fittings for Sponsor Village and Atrium of the XX Olympic Winter Games Turin 2006, in which were visited by 4 million persons. In 2015 he designed 9 pavilions for Ferrero. ARCHILANDShanghai was born in 2016, a studio in China. Since 2011 hi is a professor of Home Design at IED. In 2015-16 he was professor of Master in Global Marketing & Retail Management at University of Turin and in IDEA Exhibition Design at Polytechnic of Milan. In 2013 he won IIDEX INNOVATION AWARDS-GOLD in Toronto for the best Furniture Design project with NU∙OVO. Years 2013 – 2017 his projects have been nominated for ADI INDEX, published in their annual catalogs.

Mario Mastropietro

Architect journalist and a critic appearing on various architecture reviews, in 1982 he founded his own publishing house, Edizioni Lybra Immagine.He has written and edited various design, architecture and fittings texts, especially concerning exhibitions organization: “Progettare mostre. Dieci lezioni di allestimento”(1991), “Colombo 92: la città, il porto, l’esposizione” (1992); “Renzo Piano Building Workshop. Exhibit Design” (1992); “Oltre il restauro” (1996); “Nuovo allestimento italiano” (1997); “Un’industria per il design” (1982, 1986, 1999); “I luoghi e il progetto” (1999), “Dal sogno al segno” (2007), “73 Musei”. He has edited and directed different project periodicals, such as “Exporre”, the most known and well appreciated exhibit design review in Europe. He has always been studying exhibition and museographical subjects, which he then develops on “Exporre” and on titles edited by his own Publishing house, he has held many courses cycles at Faculty of Architecture in Italy and abroad. In 2006 he founded IDEA_Associazione Italiana Exhibition Design and he is its Chairman. From 2007 he is co- Director of Master IDEA in Exhibition Design. He is member of ADI Associazione Italiana per il Disegno Industriale

Augusto Mazzini

Augusto Mazzini was born in Siena in 1939. Urban planning councillor (first in history in Siena – 1965/66 and 1969/70). The pedestrianization of the historic centre was accomplished (1965, first town in Europe); Alvar Aalto was sent for to achieve the cultural centre within the Medicea Fortress. A member of the Urban Planning National Institute in 1973. He wrote for Giancarlo De Carlo’s “Spazio & Società” magazine. His projects were published in Italian and foreign magazines. Books and magazines took interest in his work. With his Central Business Area of Banca Monte dei Paschi he obtained the MARBLE ARCHITECTURAL AWARD ITALY 2000 first prize. He was the Urban Planning teacher for the Faculty of Architecture of Florence and the teacher of Urban Planning and Architectural Design for the Faculty of Architecture of Ferrara (1996/2004). From 1979 to 1986 he was a lecturer for the courses held by ILAUD, directed by Giancarlo de Carlo. He attended conferences and delivered lectures, among others “L’étude du patrimoine paysager et sa mise en valeur” within the “Musée – musées” convention at the Louvre Auditorium in Paris (2002). He practises graphics, with posters published by Graphis Annual and Graphis Posters. The Intronati Municipal Library in Siena has bought his posters and jotters. He is a member of the Intronati Academy, existing in Siena since 1525, and a partner of IDEA, Associazione Italiana Exhibition Designers

In 2007 he was awarded the Mangia d’Oro prize, the most important Siena acknowledgement.

In 2012 “Esperienze Condivise”, a show within the Toscana Architects cycle in Pisa.



Ico Migliore

Ico Migliore and Mara Servetto, Migliore+Servetto Architects, project on different scales, spaces conceived as active interfaces, tools of elective communication between institutions, companies and the public, works able to combine lightness of design with powerful scenographic effect, as to establish a memorable experience. Migliore+Servetto projects have been awarded with many international prizes, such as ADI Compasso d’Oro 2014 and 2008. Among the recent projects: the new “Chopin Muzeum” in Warsaw; in Milan, Mondadori New Concept store and the installation “Flags Boulevard", with Italo Lupi, in the city centre for Expo 2015; the travelling exhibition “Coats! 60 Years of Italian Fashion” for Max Mara (Berlin, Tokyo, Beijing, Moscow); the “New Egyptian Museum (2015)” for which they are ‘creative advisor’ and they designed the new logo, the coordinated image, the exhibition system and the set up of eight thematic rooms.

Dario Milana

Fulvio Onestini

Fulvio Onestini was born on the 6th of June of 1957, graduated in architecture with professor Aldo Rossi at the University of Venice in 1982. Enlisted in the Register of Architects of the province of Ferrara. He is President and CEO of OPR SPA, leading company in the field of temporary architectures design and fitting for different events, inside exhibitions, museums, multipurpose and historical buildings. Perform his own professional research inside of the exhibit architecture’s world. Since 2005, he has been lecturer in temporary and museum Architecture at the University of Ferrara. Since 2005 he has been professor of Master, on subjects related to design and fitting, organized and sponsored by Fondazione Fiera Milano. Co-author of “Come allestire”, a handbook, unique of its kind in the international scene, about materials used in temporary architectures.

Franco Origoni

Architect, he has his own practice with Anna Steiner in the editorial field and exhibit design. Professor at “Politecnico di Milano” and at Master IDEA of Exhibit design. He was the curator of several exhibition on architecture and italian design. Author of articles, essays and books. He collaborates with many firms forexhibit design as Alfa Romeo, Ansaldo, Fiat, Pietro Fiorentini, Pininfarina, Rinascente, Snam, Schlumberger, Seraplan, Coesia,… In 1993 he designed the exhibition “X anni di Kaos” with Franco Moschino. He was also the curator of the exhibition for the XVIII, XIX, XX edition of the Compasso d’Oro ADI at “La Triennale di Milano”. He has been collaborating with Renzo Piano Building Workshop in several exhibitions and curates monographs of his projects.

Roberto Priori

After a degree in Architecture at Milan Polytechnic (1976), works in corporate identity and editorial projects designing also exhibition and cultural events stands. Professor at Milan Polytechnic and at Idea Master for Exibithion Design.Collaborates with several companies and bodies among which: Mondadori Editore, Alfa Romeo, Comune di Palermo, Comune di Milano, Autorità Portuale di Palermo, Fininvest, Lega Coop, Euromilano, De Agostini, Regione Lombardia, Triennale di Milano, Telecom Ministero dei Beni e delle Attività Culturali Pinacoteca di Brera, Museo San Domenico di Forlì.

Franco Rolle

Cristiana Vannini

After graduating in architecture at Florence University, Cristiana Vannini moved to Milan in 1991 to become chief executive of the Lighting Design Centre of Targetti Group. From 1992 to 1996 she collaborated with Alessandro Mendini undertaking exhibition design projects and supervising publishing activities. Between 1996 and 2000 she collaborates at special editorial projects for the international design magazine Domus. Since 1998 she is partner vca_cristiana vannini + paolo cesaretti, a team of qualified architecs and designers with a strong concern on innovation and research. In 1996 she established her own studio cristianavannini | arc , an interior design practice composed by a young and trendy team, providing client-focused high quality architectural services in various interior design fields,  from hospitality to private houses, from workplaces to exhibit, events and retail. Among clients, information technology, mass market and real estate companies as well as cultural private and public institutions. Cristiana Vannini is visiting critic at Politecnico di Milano, Scuola Politecnica di Design, Domus Academy.

Massimo Venegoni

Born in Turin the 20 March 1952, after arts educations he graduates in Architecture at Politecnico di Torino in 1975. He regularly collaborates with local institutions such as Soprintendenza ai Beni Artistici, Comune di Torino, Provincia di Torino, Regione Piemonte e Regione Autonoma Valle d’Aosta, Università di Torino, Consorzio La Venaria Reale, Fondazione per il Libro, la Musica e la Cultura, for which he realises many exhibition projects. He has always worked in the exhibition design field, realizing museums, temporary exhibitions and conservative restorations of historical buildings finalized to their conversion as museums. In 1988 he founds in Turin the atelier Dedalo - architettura e imagine, together with architect Luisella Italia. He accompanies freelance works to teaching, museography research and artistic research exploring graphics, animation movies and sculpture.