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“Post Zang Tumb Tum”. Grande retrospettiva sul futurismo alla Fondazione Prada a Milano.

Germano Celant, curator of the exhibition, took his inspiration from “parole in libertà” (words in freedom) in Martinetti’s Manifesto of Futurism to give life to a show which, as its title “Post Zang Tumb Tuum. Art life politics: Italia 1918-1943” says, intends to be a big retrospective of twentieth century’s art movements, that are analysed throughout a path of over 500 works including not only paintings and sculptures, but also photo shots, posters, documents, catalogues, furniture, items of design, architectural projects, films. An artistic and social journey of 25 years that flows also over major public exhibitions such as “Mostra Nazionale dello Sport”, “Mostra della Rivoluzione Fascista”, Quadriennale di Roma or Biennale di Venezia, for which the main editions of twenty years are run through, highlighting Casorati, the Futurists, Carrà, the Gruppo dei Sei di Torino and the Italian painters in Paris in the Appels d’Italie show: Sironi, Martini and the leaders of Aeropittura.

The location includes 20 original settings rebuilt to scale, quite unique, which make the show an active and dynamic workshop where art meets history.