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Great photography at Museo Diocesano in Milan with“L’ITALIA DI MAGNUM. Da Cartier-Bresson a Paolo Pellegrin

A great exhibition, celebrated Magnum, is on at the Diocesano museum. It tells Italian after-war to today’s chronicles through the eyes of 20 of the most important photographers of the twenthieth century,.. The show, under the supervision of Walter Guadagnini, the director of CAMERA – Centro Italiano per la Fotografia di Torino, sponsored by the Municipality of Milan and with the support of Rinascente and T’A Milano, presents about 150 photos that tell the evolution of our country through everyday life and historical and cultural changes.


The journey starts with a tribute to three of the founders of Magnum (Henri Cartier-Bresson, Robert Capa and David Seymour) and their travels In Italy. From the very beginning, the Agency’s cornerstone have been enforcement of copyright and respect for creativity and truth. A new freedom to act in accordance with one’s personal style and interests. Owing to these basic principles, Magnum quickly attained success and, within a few years, welcomed many important names in the world of photography.

The exhibition, organized for decades, proposes a journey through small and big events, from the historical exhibition of Picasso in 1953, in which Guernica was exhibited, up the the first decade of 2000 and later. An attempt to reread past and present to try to interpret the complex physiognomy of today’s world.

The setup project is by Alessandro Colombo.

The exhibition is on until Sunday 22nd July.