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Pensare architettura. Il metodo progettuale di Enric Miralles

Complimenti all’architetto Simone Damiani, ex studente del Master IDEA in Exhibition Design, che ha vinto The Architecture MasterPrize 2022 nella sezione Exhibition con il complemento Best Of Best, con il progetto di tesi THINKING ARCHITECTURE - THE PROJECT METHOD OF ENRIC MIRALLES discusso il giugno scorso.

"The exhibition was created as a the follow-up to the long series of exhibitions that have remembered the architect, on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of his passing. The necessity of this exhibition lies in the very subject of the installation. It is intended to recount the design method of the 'architect, using the projects, writings, interviews, as a means of understanding a design poetics extremely complex. The exhibition will take place in the Basilica Palladiana in Vicenza a place that in recent history, has always stood out for particular sensitivity to the themes of architecture".

Testo e foto di Simone Damiani